Tuesday, March 22, 2016

Compare and Contrast


I'm comparing my book Perect by Natasha Friend to this poem.
They're similar because perfection IS Isabelle's enemy. That's what she was always striving for.
To be perfect like everyone else.
It messed with her until she got to the point of suffering from bulimia.

"Have you heard of something called the halo effect?... It means that people who are good-looking, people who are beautiful like your friend Penelope, are often perceived as being perfect simply because they are beautiful. We're so blinded by the prettiness, we don't see the imperfections. We don't see them as real people, with real flaws. In fact, we see them as smarter, nicer...cooler than the average person." 

That quote from the book Is showing how she slowly became her enemy and how. She always just thought that it's all about being perfect and smart and no flaws but it got to the best of her

I think one main difference from this poem and the book is the way they became to think this way. I think that the person in the poem just thought negatively about herself and wasnt happy but with Isabelle, her father had passed away and she began to eat so much and just couldn't stop so it caused her to feel terrible at the end and would throw it all up.

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