Wednesday, February 3, 2016

Why people were bystanders and up standees during World War II.

           I think the reason  that many people stood by during World War II wash because they were all scared. If you even thought about standing up to the nazis or actually stood up to stop the Nazis and you were caught, you were sent to a concentration camp immediately. I think that it would've really took people a lot of courage to stand up to something like this and they would've had to really experience something to actually do something about it.  Like one story where it didn't really effect a man until he actually saw what was going on behind the walls of the concentration camp and it really effected him and he then has lots of power to do things. I think that I would've been a bystander too in this situation because I would feel as if I couldn't do anything about it and it would have to take a lot out of me to actually do something to stop it.

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